Ministry Partners

Katherine Johnson Middle School

Katherine Johnson Middle School offers a food and hygiene pantry to its students and their families who are having trouble making ends meet. They also offer a connection to social services and other types of assistance through their resident social worker, and are on the front line of student care in Fairfax.


“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (Ja. 5:16)

Pray for the students and teachers as they begin the 2024-25 school year!


Help with urgent needs or current fundraising efforts.

URGENT: Current Amazon inventory count indicates the food pantry is almost empty

Amazon Food Pantry Wish List
(with priority indications, inventory and desired quantity)


Shop online

URGENT: Current Amazon inventory count indicates the hygiene pantry is almost empty


Amazon Hygiene Pantry Wish List
(with priority indications, inventory and desired quantity)


Shop online

Weekend Bag Program
(with priority indications, inventory and desired quantity)


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Make a donation


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Upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

General Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers to pack bags; connect our program with community partners; hold neighborhood food drives; donate food or grocery gift cards. 


Whether you have a couple of hours a month or several hours a week we can use your help. 


If you are interested in working with us or to learn more about the program, contact Maria Marris, Social Worker,