Ministry Partners

Katherine Hanley Family Shelter

Shelter House provides prevention services to families at risk of homelessness in half the service regions in Fairfax County. The crisis intervention and supportive services provided help families that meet the eligibility criteria to stabilize in housing and avoid homelessness altogether. For those who do enter homelessness, Katherine Johnson Family Shelter offers emergency shelter and a Rapid Rehousing approach. This program offers housing location support, rental assistance, and intensive case management services to help those experiencing homelessness return to housing as quickly as possible.


“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (Ja. 5:16)

Pray that God will provide for the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of the many woman who come to Shelter House as a result of domestic violence. Pray for safety for the abused and justice for the abuser.


Help with urgent needs or current fundraising efforts.

Katherine Hanley Amazon Wish List

Includes a list of current needs and quantities.


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Shelter House Gift Card Wish List


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Upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

T-Shirt Fundraiser

Buy a shirt to create critical funds and awareness around domestic violence in our community. All funds will go directly to Shelter House.


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Vienna Oktoberfest Fundraiser:

Driving Change to End Domestic Violence Golf Tournament:

  • Date: Oct. 17, 2024
  • Time: 11:00 AM
  • Bull Run Golf Club 15000
         Bull Run Estates Drive,
         Haymarket, VA 20169
  • Learn more